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Breast Revision: Patient 1
50 year old patietn who initially underwent breast augmentation in 1998 with unclear complications after surgery. This left her with very frim breasts due to capsular contracture, an unusual contour deformity of her left breast and generally thinning of the soft tissue covereing her implant. This was very obvious in the left breast. She underwent near complete capsulectomies, implant removal and replacement with Natrelle soft touch 345cc silicone implants and fat grafting to both breasts.
- Age: Between 46 and 55 years old
- Weight: Between 125 and 135 pounds
- Height: 5'4" to 5'7"
- Gender: Female
- Post-op Timeline: 2 months
- Technique: bilateral capsulectomies with implant removal and replacement and fat grafting