
Plastic Surgery Blog

Plastic Surgery Blog2021-09-08T20:52:32+00:00

The Belly Bulge that Won’t Budge: Diastasis Recti

October 11, 2018|

You have a couple of kids, you’ve gotten a bit older, and despite diet and exercise, that belly pooch won’t seem to go away. Sound familiar? Sometimes it is just a cosmetic issue (which can be bad enough), but other times that belly bulge is a sign of damage to [...]

Could Winter be the Best Time for Plastic Surgery?

September 27, 2018|

It’s officially fall, which means the holiday season is right around the corner. If you are a planner, you may be thinking about celebrations, travel arrangements, gifts, menus, and a million other details. It’s also an ideal time to plan for winter plastic surgery. The winter really is a terrific [...]

Heads up on the Brazilian Butt Lift: Urgent Warnings Issued

September 13, 2018|

Perhaps you are proud that you have your great grandma Sylvie’s slender ankles or your dad’s jet black hair. But maybe you also inherited … something you aren’t so fond of. For a lot of women, that something is a flat butt. There are lots of reasons (like celebrity trends) [...]

What About the Nipples?

August 30, 2018|

It might seem like a little bit of a mystery. What exactly happens to the nipples during breast augmentation, breast lift, or breast reduction? And what if I don’t like my nipples? Can something be done about that? Those are great questions, because the focus for many people interested in [...]

After Breast Reduction Surgery: How to Keep Those Girls at Attention

August 9, 2018|

You did it: you finally got that breast reduction you’ve been wanting, you made it through the first months of recovery, and now you are enjoying the results. Like many of our patients, you may even be thinking, “I should have done this years ago.” You can now look forward [...]

If It’s Not Plastic Surgery, Why Do I Need a Plastic Surgeon?

July 26, 2018|

Many of us struggle with the toll age, sun, and less than ideal habits have taken on our appearance. Fine lines, pigmented spots, sagginess, and forehead creases become familiar companions at some point in our lives. Some of us embrace them as a sign of a life well-lived, but many [...]

Best Way to Recover from Breast Reduction Surgery

July 13, 2018|

The path that leads a woman to get a breast reduction is often long. The surgery is often sought after years of discomfort, and then it takes time, energy, and money to plan a procedure like this. The surgery itself takes just a couple of hours, but the recovery requires [...]

Breast Reduction, Breast Lift or Both?

June 14, 2018|

“Location, location, location” is not just a saying in real estate, it can also apply to cosmetic breast surgery. In particular, it is the location of the nipple (further south) that often brings a woman in to see a cosmetic surgeon. As women age, nurse babies, gain and lose weight [...]

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