
Plastic Surgery Blog

Plastic Surgery Blog2021-09-08T20:52:32+00:00

Are You a Good Candidate for Breast Enhancement Surgery?

June 23, 2016|

If you are like most women considering breast enhancement surgery, you probably have a lot of questions. How painful is it? How is the recovery? Will it look natural? How much will it cost? But the first and most important question you can ask is: “Is it right for me?” [...]

Liposuction or Tummy Tuck?

May 19, 2016|

Many prospective patients wonder whether or not they need a tummy tuck or liposuction in order to improve the appearance of their abdomen. Their confusion is not surprising given some of the misinformation and mis-understanding that exists about both procedures. Hopefully, this article can clarify what each procedure can realistically [...]

Closing the Loop on Breast Cancer

May 19, 2016|

National BRA Day is October 15th, 2014 Fall is finally here and while we start to think about sweaters and jackets we also must think about what’s underneath them: bras. Breast Reconstruction Awareness (BRA) Day is a national movement to increase women’s awareness of their breast reconstruction options following a mastectomy. [...]

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